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Odisha Labour Card Scholarship 2021 @ All Student Can Apply !! Apply now !!

About Odisha Labour Card - 

                        Labour and ESI Department is the Nodal for Implementation of the Building and Other Construction Workers Act, 1996 and Building and Other Construction Workers welfare Cess Act, 1996 in the State of Odisha. Government of Odisha Labour and ESI Department Now offering the Labour Card Scholarship to the Students. All eligible candidates can apply now. So Don't hurry, Read Carefully the Full Article and Apply Accurately.

Odisha Labour Card Scholarship 2021

                       Remember If you have labour card then you can get various benefits through the Labour card. Odisha Building & Other Construction Worker's Welfare Board, Government of Odisha now giving the following benefits to registered Building & Other Construction Workers. 

                        Assistance in case of Death, Accident, Assistance for funeral expenses, Medical Assistance under RSBY & BKKY, Educational Assistance, Marriage Assistance, Maternity Assistance, Assistance of purchase of working tools, Assistance for purchase of bi-cycles, Assistance for purchase of safety Equipments, Housing Assistant Under Nirmana Shramik pakka ghar yojana, Financial Assistance for Skill Upgradation, Recognition for prior learning and skill development construction worker etc.

Odisha Labour Card Scholarship 2021@Apply Now - 

                      If you have Labour Card then you can apply for educational Assistance for your children and can get upto Rs.40,000/- benefits per year. Before applying for it you should know about its Full Criteria, Rules, Documents, Apply Process, etc. So Read the Article Carefully & Apply as soon as possible. Remember Every child can get this education benefits if their parents have labour card.

IMPORTANT - On Completion of 1 Year of your Labour Card you can apply for this educational Assistance or for others. It means After Getting your Labour card you have to wait 1 year to get all those benefits & also remember If you are doing Renewal of your Labour card Year to Year then no doubt you can get these benefits.

A. Education Qualification to get the Odisha Labour Card Scholarship 2021 - 

                      If you are Studying 11th / 12th / B.A. / B.Sc / B. Com / PG / ITI / Diploma / Polytechnic / B.Tech / MCA / MBA / B.Arch / M.Arch / M.Tech / M.Sc / B. Pharm / M. Pharm / Hotel Management  & Catering Services / Medical , and your parents have Labour card then you can apply for the Odisha Labour Card Scholarship 2021.

 Remember - If you are studying in a Recognized Government Institute then only you can Apply For this. Private Institution are not allowed.

B. Odisha Labour Card Scholarship Money 2021 - 

1. For Class 11th / 12th - Rs.5,000/ Per Year

2. For Classes of B.A / B.Sc / B.Com / PG Studies - Rs.7,000 Per Year

3. For ITI - Rs.7,000 Per Year

4. For Diploma / Polytechnic - Rs.10,000 Per Year

5. For B.Tech / MCA / MBA / B.Arch / M.Arch / M.Tech / M.Sc / B.Pharm / M.Pharm / Hotel Management & Catering Services / Medical - Rs.40,000 Per Year

C. Who Can Apply For Odisha Labour Card Scholarship 2021 - 

                 All Student whos parents have labour card can apply for this scholarship. All SC, ST, OBC, GENERAL Students are eligible to apply & can get these benefits if their parents have labour card.

D. Age Required For Applying in Odisha Labor Card Scholarship 2021 - 

                 For applying in Odisha Labour Crad Scholarship, there is no particular age to be eligible. Every age's children are eligible if they are studying the above curses.

E. How to Apply for Odisha Labour Card Scholarship 2021 - 

1. Download the education assistance form.

2. Fill up the form accurately.

3. Attached the required documents ( Xerox Copy Only ). 

4. Then Submit it nearby your Labour Card Office.

Remember - In every district, there is a labour office. If you don't know about your district's labour office address then you may Search in Google & Can find.

F. Required Documents - 

1. Labour card 

2. Matric Certificate

3. +2 Certificate

4. Continue Certificate ( What you are studying).

5. College Identity Card

6. Caste Certificate (If Any)

7. Residential Certificate (If Any)

8. College Admission Receipt

9. Adhar Card (Student)

10. Photo Copy

11. Bank Passbook (Attached with Labour Card)

G. Some More Important Information - 

                  Only continuing students can apply for this scholarship. If you have already completed your 11th or 12th then you can't apply for this.

H. Important Links - 

Youtube Video - CLICK HERE

Official Website - CLICK HERE

Educational Assistance Form - DOWNLOAD 

Telegram - CLICK HERE

Whatsapp - CLICK HERE

Disclaimer - This information in our website is only for educational purposes. Our website doesn't guarantee any kind of authentication for the above said post. You are requested to verify its before proceed to apply. If you are facing any issues or having any queries then contact us. Thank you !!

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  1. sir i am a student of UNDER GRADUATION how can i applay that scholarship please hinds.

  2. Sir iam a student of oav ,cbse pattern ,may I apply for this scholarship

    1. sir i am a B.TECH student ,may i apply for this scholarship
